Gymshark Appoints David Laid as Creative Director in an Effort to Restore its Lifting Roots

David Laid, who went viral with a transformational video, has inspired athlete discount codes for Gymshark customers
Gymshark is calling it ‘Chapter 2023: The Comeback,’ according to its IG bio. As part of its revolution, the athleticwear brand has appointed bodybuilder and social media legend David Laid as its Creative Director for lifting.
Ben Francis, CEO and founder of Gymshark, noted on LinkedIn that he first met Laid in 2016.
“Lifting has been at the core of everything we’ve done since we started in 2012, and now we’re going to take our lifting credentials to the next level,” he wrote.

Before the announcement, David Laid, who rose to prominence after a transformational video went viral, teased on social media, “The truth comes out. 6 pm EST.”
Laid then took to the airwaves to explain that he began weightlifting at 13, around the same time Gymshark was born. He said he followed the brand because it spoke to him, and he eventually became a Gymshark athlete.
In the video, Laid says he recognizes that Gymshark has strayed from its original roots, including its fitness wear, and that he disagreed with many of Gymshark’s social media stances. He continued, saying he reached an ‘inflection point’ and announced that he was no longer a Gymshark athlete — and is now a creative director for lifting.
“He had us in the first half,” joked Gymshark on social media.
The athleticwear brand has mastered the social media tease, using social media platforms and influencer marketing to generate buzz and expand its marketing reach.
Of his new position, Laid said the male lifting domain is where the heart of Gymshark’s brand truly lies. He will oversee athlete recruitment, world-tour events, and campaign creation.
Athlete discount codes are now available at Gymshark, where customers can enter them during the checkout process. Laid said he has long advocated for the new Gymshark discount program, and his followers will receive a 10% discount by using the promo code DAVID at checkout.
The U.K.-based athleticwear company laid off 65 employees in its Denver office last month in a bid to restructure its U.S. presence.
President of Gymshark’s North America presence, Henry Spear, confirmed that his position was also eliminated, citing a looming global recession.
“While a layoff may not immediately read successful, I’m happy to say it was just that: a success. I hired a smart, high-functioning team and together we started a new business unit, opened new channels of distribution, saw strong, profitable growth, and ultimately had fun while doing it,” Spear wrote on LinkedIn of Gymshark’s restructuring news.
The athleticwear company recently named Laurent Madelaine its first-ever supply chain chief to oversee sourcing, quality, and sustainability. Last September, the brand also added Mat Dunn as its new CFO.
Gymshark reached the coveted unicorn status in 2021 with a $1.3 billion valuation and opened the doors to its first retail location in London last year, centered on experiential experiences.
Courtney Rehfeldt has worked in the broadcasting media industry since 2007 and has freelanced since 2012. Her work has been featured in Age of Awareness, Times Beacon Record, The New York Times, and she has an upcoming piece in Slate. She studied yoga & meditation under Beryl Bender Birch at The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute. She enjoys hiking, being outdoors, and is an avid reader. Courtney has a BA in Media & Communications studies.