Wellness Includes Sex

Cake, a pioneer in sexual wellness, has launched a line of products aimed at enhancing and celebrating sexual relations among our diverse population. Backed by Lerer Hippeau, this innovative startup is disrupting a neglected part of wellness.
Lerer Hippeau, an early stage venture capital fund based in New York City, is putting their money behind Cake, a digitally native brand aiming to normalize sexual health as part of one’s wellness routine because wellness includes sex. An area often overlooked in VC funding, often because of clauses which prohibit funds from putting investors’ money towards businesses that are considered “controversial” like alcohol, gambling, and sex, Lerer Hippeau isn’t shying away acknowledging the white space opportunity…
Cake offers an omnichannel line of lubricants, condoms, and toys — with specific products tailored to meet the differing needs of individuals, straight couples, and LGBTQ+ couples. Cake’s mission is to make sex more fun. Cake actively seeks feedback from customers, saying their products are based on ideas and feedback we get directly from our users. Their goal is to make their customers feel more pleasure and have more fun. Cake’s products center around inclusive and diverse representation and are created with customer’s health in mind ensuring only the safest of ingredients and materials are used. In addition, they are working to make their products available at an accessible price point.
Historically most health and wellness brands have focused on fitness, diet, nutrition, meditation and now mental health, while new brands within “wellness includes sex” space have been few. Today, the $108 billion market for sexual wellness products is served predominantly by incumbent brands in the “family planning aisle.” The archaic products and flat messaging of traditional players within the space have only made the shopping experience for sexual related products feel more taboo and awkward instead of fun and exciting. Cake has already secured a partnership with Walmart to launch their colorful products in 4,000 Walmart store locations across the U.S., truly “reinventing the sex aisle” as a more accessible and approachable experience for consumers today.
In a survey of Cake customers, 84% said Cake made their sex lives better. If that’s not enough of a statistic to get consumers excited, we are not sure what is…