Connected Fitness Was Doing Fine Before the Pandemic. Now It’s Booming.

Even before the pandemic, the global market for fitness apps was already anticipated to reach $14.7 billion by 2026. The forecast for the global connected gym equipment market was 45% year-over-year until 2021. Over the last quarter, however, connected fitness companies including Daily Burn, Peloton, and Aaptiv have surged past those previously rosy outlooks. Sign-ups for Beachbody have increased more than 200% from the same time last year and volume is up nearly 80%. Peloton just hit the 1 million subscriber mark and it’s stock is up 63% this year. Nautilus, which had been slow to adapt to the connected fitness trend, is now looking at its strongest quarter in over five years.
That’s the good news for the big brands. The bad news is that the connected fitness space has suddenly become very, very crowded… READ MORE @ Grit Daily