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With DUMAGUS, Gyms Can Track Strength Training Using AI

With DUMAGUS, Gyms Can Track Strength Training Using AI

DUMAGUS turns a gym’s weight room into a connected fitness experience, driving member motivation and engagement

Soon, you won’t be the only one doing heavy lifting during your workouts, thanks to DUMAGUS. Although the revolutionary system pumps iron strictly in a figurative sense, the impact and results are as real as they come – for members and gyms. 

DUMAGUS tracks, organizes, shares and safekeeps a user’s workout information — taking all the second-hand clutter that comes with exercising and passing it over into freer hands. The software promises to add a long-overdue sense of composition to weight training which has typically only been popularized with cardiovascular exercise equipment. Artificial intelligence (AI) powers the product, as it monitors and analyzes users’ workout data via sensors synched up with a gym’s equipment. 

Any gym or fitness facility can house the software, as the DUMAGUS team provides everything needed and takes complete care of the installation. Setup requires just one to two days, after which users can access the program and its features with any smartphone.

“Nowadays it’s very difficult to do anything without having some sort of audit trail or audit log. If you don’t know what it is that you’re doing or at least how you’re performing then you really don’t know where you’re going to go,” DUMAGUS Founder Ayo Ajanaku told Athletech News. “The great part about building this system is that it was done in a way that reduces all conceivable friction between the people using it and the results they’re trying to achieve.”

Ayo Ajanaku (credit: DUMAGUS)

Tracking Reps Ensures Precision & Safety

The software essentially removes the need for anyone to jot down their workout information in a notepad, count reps in their head or go as old school as using a stopwatch. DUMAGUS counts and catalogs your reps in real-time, leaving training itself as the only thing left for you to concentrate on. The concept maximizes efficiency in one’s workout experience and the AI ensures accuracy.

“We built a model that we trained through many types of repetitions and exercises. It’s like we’ve been teaching it the A to Z of gym movements,” Ajanaku said. “We refine what counts and what doesn’t through our clever engineers who go in and perfect the inner workings of the model.”

“Take the bench press, for example. You know how you lift the bar off the rack with your arms extended? Well, you wouldn’t call that one rep, would you? And neither does our system,” Ajanaku explained. “It waits for you to complete a full rep tailored to your own unique profile before it counts it.”

credit: DUMAGUS

The software aids in fostering a safe workout environment for its users too, especially those who exercise on their own. For example, DUMAGUS monitors things like weight distribution and velocity. If there’s any imbalance that might give way to an injury, the user will know. 

Motivate Your Members

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DUMAGUS’ impact also goes beyond an individual workout, as it helps motivate gym goers to return at a consistent rate. The tracking system naturally makes users more conscious of their activities in the gym, prompting them to build on their progress by competing against themselves or even others.

This makes it a win-win product for individuals concentrated on improving their gym life and fitness businesses looking to grow. According to Ajanaku, gym-goers losing motivation is a common culprit responsible for low retention rates, typically affecting 50% of members every year. With DUMAGUS attacking that issue head-on, gyms could see as much as a 25%-90% profit increase with just a 5% increase in retention. 

After first building the tech, DUMAGUS went to Greece and installed the system in a commercial gym. They received a “very exciting” response from the gym owner and gym members who were using the software. 

“We know it works, we know it’s good,” Ajanaku said. “That’s the whole idea of it really. To enable and empower those people who like to weight train in a way that they haven’t been previously.” 

DUMAGUS is still searching for additional funding before putting its software in more gyms but has immediate plans to launch and scale commercially when the time comes. 

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